Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Resources
Veterans Leaving Active Duty
Veterans transitioning from active duty should be aware that several state and federal benefits and services are tied to your discharge date. To find out more about the time frames and eligibility, contact the Veterans Benefits Resource Center or yourCounty or Tribal Veterans Service Officer.
Veterans Retraining Grants
Recently unemployed or underemployed veterans may receive up to $3,000 per year, for a maximum of two years, if they have a financial need while being retrained for employment. The amount of the grant is determined by the applicant’s financial need as calculated by the WDVA. Other education or retraining grants will be included when determining the veteran’s financial need for this program and should be included on the application. Visit the WDVA Veterans Retraining Grant webpage for more information.
Unemployment Compensation
for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) – Members of the military leaving active duty discharged under honorable conditions unable to find employment may be eligible for UCX. Application for Unemployment Insurance, including UCX, is made by telephone.
Application for Unemployment Insurance
To file a new claim application
Madison: (608) 232-0678
Milwaukee: (414) 438-7700
Toll-free: (800)-822-5246
Have the following available
1) Form DD-214,
2) Social Security number
3) Wisconsin Driver’s License number (if you have one).
Vocational Rehabilitation
The federal VA provides Vocational Rehabilitation to eligible disabled veterans through the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VRE) program. Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation offers a state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program.
Licenses Covered by this program
The federal VA provides Vocational Rehabilitation to eligible disabled veterans through the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VRE) program. Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation offers a state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program.
NPG EG Grant Press Release 2.7.2024 FINAL
The federal VA provides Vocational Rehabilitation to eligible disabled veterans through the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VRE) program. Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation offers a state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program.
Veterans Employment Representatives
The Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) program makes employment assistance available to all Wisconsin veterans in local one-stop job centers. The Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) and Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVER) are the two primary programs providing employment and training services to eligible veterans.
Veterans Representatives (DVOPs or LVERs) provide the latest information on local labor markets. They offer workshops and guidance on resume writing, job interviewing skills, and job seeking skills. They also identify training and education needs. They can help veterans make career choices by assessing aptitudes, interests, and abilities through the use of aptitude tests and career counseling.
Locate a Veterans Employment Representative at your local Wisconsin Job Center by calling toll-free 888-258-9966, view the online staff directory, or register online at WiscJobsforVets.
Veterans as Apprentices
In Wisconsin, the Department of Workforce Development Bureau of Apprentice Standards reviews and approves registered apprenticeship and formal on-the-job training programs for veterans. To determine if you are eligible to get employment through apprentice or on-the-job training programs which could lead to professional certification and/or licensing, review the Apprenticeship in Wisconsin booklet and contact an Apprenticeship Standards field representative in your area.

Veterans Hiring Preference Information
Civil Service Preference (Federal) – Veterans who are disabled or who served on active duty during certain periods or campaigns are entitled to preference over non-veterans both in federal hiring and in retention during reductions in force.
Candidates who pass an examination are ranked by their scores. Those eligible for preference are entitled to have 5 to 10 extra points added to a passing grade of 70% or higher. Qualified veterans with a VA-approved service-connected disability (SCD) rating of 10% or more are placed at the top of most civil service exam lists.
Civil Service Preference (State) – Please refer to the Division of Personnel Management (DPM)’s rules for veteran preference.
Veteran Guide For Starting Your Own Small Business
Small Business Entrepreneur Tools ( – A step by step resource guide for veterans wishing to learn more about starting their own small business, applying for grants, and more.
Employment Assistance Opportunities
Academy of Advanced Manufacturing – An intensive 12 week, hands-on training program at Rockwell Automations headquarters. Upon successful completion, trainees receive career placement opportunities with a U.S. manufacturing employer and a wage potential starting around $50,000 per year.
Act2Teach – A program to initial licensure as a secondary mathematics or science teacher.
Entrepreneurship – Resources for Wisconsin veterans in business or interested in starting a new business.
Hire a Hero – An online social network to help the military community connect with caring volunteers, local events, and Military-friendly employers to better the chances for obtaining a dream job. Hire a Hero provides the platform for the general public to do more than just put a yellow ribbon on their car – a chance to actively say “thank you for your service” – while helping a hero network transition into a meaningful civilian career.
Troops to Teachers – A U.S. Department of Education & U.S. Department of Defense sponsored program established to assist veterans and eligible members of the Selected Reserve gain teacher licensure in order to obtain employment as public school teachers. WDVA is supported by the State of Montana’s office for the program.
Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) – Members of the military leaving active duty discharged under honorable conditions unable to find employment may be eligible for UCX. Application for Unemployment Insurance, including UCX, is made by telephone:
To file a new claim application:
Madison: (608) 232-0678
Milwaukee: (414) 438-7700
Toll-free: 800-822-5246
Have the following available: (1) Form DD-214, (2) Social Security number, and (3) Wisconsin Driver’s License number (if you have one).
Vocational Rehabilitation – The federal VA provides Vocational Rehabilitation to eligible disabled veterans through the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VRE) program. Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation offers a state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program.
Veterans In Piping – The United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters and Sprinklerfitters (UA) has partnered with the U.S. military to create the UA Veterans In Piping (VIP) Program, which provides returning vets with 16 weeks of accelerated welding training.
Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative – Learn about an economic development corporation that provides quality business education, technical assistance and access to capital for small businesses throughout Wisconsin.
Employment Links – Employment assistance is available through many websites. Here you will find Wisconsin, military, veteran, and federal job boards as well as job search and entrepreneurial resources.